Monday, August 5, 2019

Who wants an aura selfie!?!

I have an idea for Apple! Listen up, Tim Cook! For the next iPhone XX (or whatever you're on now) we want a Kirlian camera option on our selfie cam!
Think about it! Millennials love filters!

Plus, remember mood rings!! A Kirlian camera on the iPhone would be like a mood ring selfie! Every time you take a photo of yourself, or your friends, a leaf, or your cat you'll not only capture their basic image but the color of their aura will let you capture just how they're feeling in that moment, forever.

Look, its time for all the haters to succumb to the peer pressure and get over themselves. Selfie's used to be lame, but they're obviously here to stay. Forever. 
Come on, Tim Cook, win over the few remaining selfie holdouts (like myself) by appealing to our interest in mysticism that's grounded in science! And when these cameras are commonplace on every phone in the world- remember, you heard it here first!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A Kirlian photography setting on an iPhone is a great idea. One could then track the changes within one's aura within various settings. Thus being able to better realize what settings produce good vibes and what settings produce bad vibes. I feel like your idea will eventually manifest.
